
Americano Também Não Lê Nada

Números assustadores sobre leitura nos EUA. 58% dos Americanos nunca mais lêem um livro após o colégio. Como é que o país vai para a frente ? Parece que grandes mitos devem ser reavaliados. Minha experiência nos EUA confirma essa informação: uma pequena elite muito inteligente leva o país nas costas e o resto mais ou menos segue. A GRANDE diferença em relação ao Brasil é que o Americano respeita e recompensa o talento extraordinário, enquanto aqui na terrinha todo mundo quer passar a perna e derrubar quem se sobressai em qualquer campo. O peso da burocracia é grande demais. Talvez com o risco de soar elitista, a maior lição seja que o problema do Brasil não esteja em educar TODA a população, mas sim em eliminar barreiras burocráticas e culturais (impostos, cultura de mamar no governo, amizade valer mais que mérito, etc.) para que o talento individual possa se desenvolver. Você imagina se o Bill Gates tivesse nascido aqui ? Provavelmente estaria trabalhando no Banco do Brasil e estaria em greve agora. Para Publishing - Welcome to Para Publishing: "Who is Reading Books (and who is not) One-third of high school graduates never read another book for the rest of their lives. Many do not even graduate from high school. 58% of the US adult population never reads another book after high school. 42% of college graduates never read another book. 80% of US families did not buy or read a book last year. 70% of US adults have not been in a bookstore in the last five years. 57% of new books are not read to completion. --Jerrold Jenkins. http://www.JenkinsGroup.com Most readers do not get past page 18 in a book they have purchased. 63% of adults report purchasing at least one book during the previous three-month period. (Most were probably exaggerating). --Bookselling This Week, November 10, 1997. http://news.bookweb.org/ 53% read fiction, 43% nonfiction. The favorite fiction category is mystery & Suspense, 19%. --Publishers Weekly, May 12, 1997, page 13. http://www.PublishersWeekly.com Of the top fifty books, fiction outsells nonfiction about 60% to 40%. Fiction peaks in July at 70% but nonfiction reaches almost 50% in December. --USA Today, April 30, 1999. http://www.USAtoday.com 55% of fiction is bought by women; 45% by men. --Publishers Weekly, May 12, 1997, page 13. Thirty percent of Americans surveyed by the Harris Poll say they would rather read a book than do anything else; twenty-one percent said watching TV is their favorite activity. That's the good news. The bad news is that only 13 percent selected 'spending time with family. --Publishers Weekly email Daily, July 9, 1998. http://www.PublishersWeekly.com Each day, people in the US spend 4 hours watching TV, 3 hours listening to the radio and 14 minutes reading magazines. --Veronis, Suhler & Associates investment bankers"

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