
A Empresa Passiva-Agressiva

Passivo-agressividade é uma condição psicológica onde a pessoa finge aceitar uma ordem ou uma situação, mas por trás trabalha contra. Bem o estilo de muitos profissionais brasileiros ou de países onde hierarquia e o ambiente rígido (e mesmo de medo) imperam. O interessante é que saiu um artigo na Harvard Business Review sobre empresas que agem assim e não conseguem aplicar estratégias óbvias de sucesso. Na minha opinião, essa resistência a mudança, esse "entrar por um ouvido e sair pelo outro", essa tendência de dizer que "aqui nunca nada muda mesmo" é a pior praga do ambiente corporativo do Brasil. Aproveite e baixe o artigo completo de graça com o link abaixo: http://custom.hbsp.com/b01/en/implicit/custom.jhtml?pr=BAHAMR0510E2005092707 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Passive-Aggressive Organization By Gary L. Neilson, Bruce A. Pasternack, and Karen E. Van Nuys Healthy companies are hard to mistake. Their managers have access to timely information, the authority to make decisions, and the incentives to act on behalf of the organization. The organization, in turn, carries out those decisions. We call these organizations "resilient," because they can react nimbly to challenges and respond quickly to those they can't dodge. Unfortunately, most companies are not resilient: Fewer than 20 percent of the 30,000 individuals who responded to a Booz Allen Hamilton survey describe their organizations that way. By contrast, more than a quarter of the companies in our survey suffer from a cluster of pathologies we place under the label "passive-aggressive." The passive-aggressive organization displays a quiet but tenacious resistance to corporate directives, even when they are aligned with obvious strategic or competitive advantage. People pay those directives lip service but put in only enough effort to appear compliant; and "nothing ever changes around here." Further developing the theory of organizational DNA, introduced two years ago in strategy+business, Gary Neilson, Bruce Pasternack, and Karen Van Nuys examine why such an astonishing number of organizations fall prey to the passive-aggressive pathology. Their article appears in Harvard Business Review and is adapted from the forthcoming book RESULTS: Keep What's Good, Fix What's Wrong, and Unlock Great Performance (Crown Business, 2005). To download a complimentary copy of the full article: http://custom.hbsp.com/b01/en/implicit/custom.jhtml?pr=BAHAMR0510E2005092707

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